Saturday was the big day to process 150 chickens! The day started at 3:30 AM when we all woke up and started filling chill tanks and the scalder and turned the propane tank on to heat the water. This was one of the few days that I actually had some coffee. I was tired. Between 5:30 - 6, we started. The Storries came over and helped us, so that was nice! All the birds were dead, eviscerated, and in the chill tanks by 12! It was great! I think we are getting pretty good at processing! This time we processed on our front porch in front of the garage. We found it's better to process on concrete than grass since it gets so muddy and concrete is easy to clean. It worked out great! Anna and Izzy didn't take very many pictures this time because we were on a mission to get everything done by noon but here are some that she got toward the end. And now we get to start this all over again when we get 150 more broiler chicks tomorrow!
A family living deep in the heart of Missouri, striving to serve God and raise the best and healthiest meats they can! Former Coloradans, the Coulter family moved from the suburbs to the country five years ago to start a business they could all do together. By God's grace, they are raising Pork, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and Eggs, learning together, growing together, thankful together.