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Showing posts from January, 2016

Late December/January

I can't believe January is almost over! I am going to review the past month starting a little bit after Christmas. We had an exciting adventure which we all knew would come sooner or later a couple days after Christmas........ Mom hit a deer with the van. Thankfully it was only a young buck Thus we got to learn the art of deer dressing, skinning, and meat cutting. We learn something new everyday around here! The meat made great tacos! I think venison tastes like lamb meat. Also, the ewes that we got at the sale barn back in November have all started lambing this month as well! I love baby lambs! They are so cute! So far we have had 2 singles, 2 sets of twins, and a set of triplets. Unfortunately with the triplets, we have had to teach the mother to take care of her babies by holding her still while her babies nurse from her and occasionally having to bottle feed the weaker one that doesn't have the strength to follow it's mom around quite yet. S...

Colorado Part 2

A majority of our time spent in Colorado was spent visiting friends and family. It was absolutely wonderful to see all the people that we did! So here is my picture journal of the rest of our trip! Visiting the Grandparents Not sure whats going on here!  Is that not the cutest little face you have ever seen? I love this picture of Grandma and Kathrine so much!  We also got to meet our other 2nd cousin, Oliviana, for the first time!  "Hey look!!! Somebody close to my size!" Oliviana and Diana  Over  the weekend, Ashley turned 15! My grandma on my dad's side had a birthday party for her. So we were able to see other family members as well!  My aunt also had a birthday around the same time as Ashley did, so we celebrated both their birthdays! Joe, with our cousin, Douglas  Havi and Joe playing Candy Land with Douglas  Playing cards Unfortunate...