This is my absolute favorite time of year! HOLIDAYS! With time spent with family, decorating, farm-life sorta dying down with no meat chickens, and of course the yummy food!;) Can't forget that one! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? This year we spent it as a family which was really nice. Though it was sad not having Maddy here for another holiday, but we're really looking forward to spending Christmas with her! On the roof to get pictures of the fall colors before they all fade away Izzy enjoying the view... ...and then there's mom worrying!;D Hard to beat this view! Last one:) This year we participated in the Operation Christmas Child. Here, everyone is packing their box! Cutie At the Ford's home sewing baby blankets for a pregnancy center. This was the first time the little's got to sew something big like a blanket, and they did a great job! Here, Peyt...
A family living deep in the heart of Missouri, striving to serve God and raise the best and healthiest meats they can! Former Coloradans, the Coulter family moved from the suburbs to the country five years ago to start a business they could all do together. By God's grace, they are raising Pork, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and Eggs, learning together, growing together, thankful together.