Ahh, February! This month was filled with lots of fun, laughter, and food! Well, shall we begin?! Anna: Well-studied and ready to test for her driver's permit! And she passed! Lord help us on the way home! We skip ahead to a trip to the Niednagel's hospitable home! Thank you, Niednagels for having all these weird friends over!! Emma, Mary, Sarah, Anna, Kalea, and Izzy behind the camera!! What an odd group! Kalea, Mary, Sarah, Izzy, and Anna behind the camera!! It's a Slumber Party! The IF Gathering was a two-day event, focused on training and equipping ladies (of all ages) for the service of Christ and to strive for Proverbs 31 qualities. This truly was a wonderful gathering!! Love this boy and his hair!! It's cold but the animals are happy, happy, happy!! Photo credit goes to Anna for them all!! Kat's happy too, even though not completely dressed for the weather. And it snowed!! No better way ...
A family living deep in the heart of Missouri, striving to serve God and raise the best and healthiest meats they can! Former Coloradans, the Coulter family moved from the suburbs to the country five years ago to start a business they could all do together. By God's grace, they are raising Pork, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and Eggs, learning together, growing together, thankful together.