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Showing posts from July, 2019

A Joyous June!

Well, as usual, another month has flown by! There was the Summer Dance that our Church hosted, we got to go to a Discher and Underwood wedding, and all the fun things that surround these two events! Welp, might as well begin! :) One of our garden beds with cabbages, broccoli, cauliflower & Dill.  One morning one of our ducks surprised us when she came out with 9 little ducklings behind her. Isaiah wanted to follow them around everywhere!  Norah, Lydia, Ulia, Elena, and Peyton.  For their last Sunday at Church, they all wanted a picture together as the Spillman's would be moving away a week later.  Waking up at midnight every single time we butcher can   get annoying and very tiring. But hey, it's better  to get it over with! This group is ready to knock out  the biggest amount of chickens we have ever done for ourselves. 194 birds, here we come!  Yup, Norah's ready to de-neck 'em! :) Another humongo...