Thanks for stoppin' by! We hope your July was a fun one! Ours was a whirlwind of craziness! But, by God's grace we were able to do so many amazing things! We got to celebrate Independence Day with so many wonderful friends, we took one of our steers and three of our pigs to the butcher and got another chicken butcher day behind us. For the first time in two years, we have a total of zero pigs and no broilers on the field...for now. We have another batch of young broilers brooding on the front yard, and our LAST batch coming the first week of August! :) Mom, Dad, and Isaiah were able to make a trip back to their roots in Colorado to attend a funeral for a very good friend, a wedding, and visit with family and friends!:) So yes, we kids were left home alone AGAIN! Well, since pictures are so fun to look at, I'll stop my yappin' so you can scroll on down!:) We started July off with some more blueberry picking! We collected a lot more this round than the last and ma...
A family living deep in the heart of Missouri, striving to serve God and raise the best and healthiest meats they can! Former Coloradans, the Coulter family moved from the suburbs to the country five years ago to start a business they could all do together. By God's grace, they are raising Pork, Chicken, Beef, Lamb, and Eggs, learning together, growing together, thankful together.