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Showing posts from January, 2020

A Merry December

How is it already December?! 2019 has been another big learning experience for our family.  The school of farming has been especially educational! This year we put increased effort into managing the grazing of our pastures with the cows and sheep together. We didn’t allow the grass to be grazed below six inches, and this sometimes meant moving our “flerd” twice a day.  The combination of this and favorable rainfall improved the density and variety of forages in our pastures. This was exciting for us!  Our meat birds intensely fertilized the soils in our fields, and we butchered a total of 917 chickens to sell and eat. We reverted back to purchasing square bales of hay for the winter.  Round bales became too much of a challenge to manage without proper equipment. Parasites affecting our lambs were once again a challenge, and, as a last resort, we gave our lambs dewormer to control these deadly organisms.  We decided to sell all of our ewes ...