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Showing posts from February, 2020


In the month of January Grandma left :( and Maddy came!! She got to spend one week with us!! :D We were so grateful to share that time with them both!! Maddy was most definitely the highlight of the month of January!! Unfortunately some of us were sick when she came into town, so we didn’t get to do too much, but, we did get to butcher chickens and spend some much-needed quality time with her! :) First sunset of 2020!!! And before we were ready, it was time for Grandma to return to Colorado. :( Can’t wait ‘till you come again, Grandma! :)  Our big job of cleaning the woods continues (We try to work on cleaning them out before the ticks come out again)! The day after Maddy came home we helped the Fords butcher their chickens! :) Starting them young! Maddy was more than happy to help!  Isaiah and Mr. Ford *Attempting* to decorate gingerbread houses...  This is a Norah kind of selfie for ya!   Anna attempted an Am...