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Showing posts from March, 2015

Wicked Weather

This past week we had 2 thunderstorms. The last one was the largest and definitely had the most lightning! It was so cool to watch! Thankfully we didn't get any hail. I got a couple videos of the lightning this time so I could post them! And then here are some photo's right before it started raining. They are pretty neat! The storm passing by

Calf #2

Friday our brown cow had her calf!!! A little bull calf. So now we have one of each gender. I know that in the last calf post, I said that the black one was a bull calf, but after a couple of days we found out that it was a girl. Okay, we don't know everything about cows. We are still learning about them.  But this latest one is FOR SURE a male. The 2 youngsters are 8 days apart and now the black one has a buddy to play with! They are so cute!!!! After we found out that the first calf was a female, we were relieved because we didn't have to worry about castrating. But now I guess we will have to anyway. Another thing yet to learn I guess!

Best Sky Shots From the Past Year

The sunsets out here are just so pretty so I thought I would do a annual post on the best sky shots we have gotten. Most of them where taken by Ashley, Anna, and I. I know we have a lot :)  I took this one as we were going over the Harry S. Truman Reservoir (in MO) on our way to Colorado in January.  This one I actually took in Arkansas                  Some guy was just playing around in a plane and going everywhere one night!  The gate was a nice touch to this photo (Anna took it) This is one of my favorites! It's not often you see this! (Anna took this one)