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Summer Happenings

Wow this summer went by quick! I really can't believe its October already! This summer seemed so crazy with farmers markets, raising and butchering chickens, and just everything else around here. 
Here are some of the highlights!
In July our neighbor that lives right across the street from us let us come over and pick black berries at his place and even take some black berry plants home with us! It was really nice of him.

 He had a lot of berries! Sadly. these ones weren't ready to pick

 Berry picking with a baby on my back, couldn't resist taking a picture :)

I was able to make 8 quarts of black berry jam and freeze about 2 bags of them too! We brought a lot home!
This was us attempting to fit all the blackberry plants in the back of our van. We had to drive home with the doors open! Thankfully we live on the other side of the road! We got some weird stares on the way home from the cars behind us :) Never a dull moment!
He had a little goat kid that Katherine loved!

For those of you that have been reading my blog for awhile now, you know that we barrowed a ram from some friends of ours this spring/summer. Last month 2 of our ewes had some lambs!!! They are the cutest little things, but boy are they growing fast! Its really funny to watch them all hop and chase each other around. 
This was the first picture I took of this little girl when I went out and saw her for the first time. Its really a pleasant surprise when you go out to take care of the sheep and you find an extra one out there!
She looks just like her dad.
Then 2 days later this little girl was born.
Both girls! Getting a lamb tagged is so much easier than getting a calf tagged! 

 Ashley holding the lambs

Peyton holding the lamb.

I am really hoping the other 2 ewes are pregnant too! If they are, they will lamb sometime between now and November. 
In August we got the chance to go to our first Springfield Cardanals game! It was pretty cool.


 I think Joe was getting a little bored after awhile...

The next week we met up with some of the Oggs and Wards at Silver Dollar City! That was really fun! It was wonderful to see them!
Mary, Anna, Ashley
Rebekah and Andy
Group picture
Ashley, Mary, me
Izzy, Havi, Norah, Peyton, Joe Anna on the tower ride, can't remember what it was called!
Havi and Joe on the rides
Izzy, Ashley, Mary, me, Mom. and Joe
 Peyton, Havi, Joe
Another group picture!
Our garden this year was larger than last year's. We expanded it by adding more raised garden beds and replacing the ones that were here when we moved in because the wood was rotten. I think we had a little more variety this year.

Our tomatoes all died this year because Missouri got way more rain this year than normal. I wish I had some pictures of all the flooding Missouri had along the highway! It was crazy how much water we got! Even on one of the roads that is about 5 minutes away from our house was really flooded. We got a few tomatoes before they died.

We got more green beans than we knew what to do with! There were a lot that we didn't get picked in time that really weren't much good, so that all went to the pigs. They were happy!
Here is a little percentage of the green beans we harvested this year
Mom and Anna planted a little bit of corn this year too. I really don't think you can plant enough of it! We have a hard time keeping it! Hopefully we can do more this year!
 We did potatoes, cucumbers, stawberries, sunflowers, some greens, but they didn't do real well, carrots, beets, and basil.

I can't believe how many sunflower seeds we got! It was great!
Oh yeah! Our cat had a second litter of kittens. Finding a home for all of them wasn't nearly as hard as we were told it was. We just got rid of the last 2 tonight! I think my mom is going to get her fixed now.
Well, I think that about sums it all up! Now that I am all caught up I will try to stay up with keeping this updated!


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