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The Rest of February

Okay, so I thought I would share some of the other photos that were taken in the month of February. I would love to post them all, and for those of you who have been following me for awhile know that I speak mostly through photos, but considering that we do tend to take hundreds of photos each month, I would bore you rather quickly so I will post most of the best ones ( my favorites anyway ). 
Those of you that follow me on Instagram know that Ashley got her learners permit earlier last month. So sadly, I must take turns driving with her now........
Izzy wanted me to post this picture that she took because she thought it was so cool how the bucket looked like it had been photo shopped but it really was part of the picture.
 This year, we decided to get a head start on planting for the garden. Izzy planted a couple seeds and was WAY too excited when it started growing.
Anna really enjoys her adult coloring book 

Ashley loves her pigs!
So stylish as she goes shopping in town with Mom  

It might just be me, but Izzy really doesn't look like she belongs in the picture... 
So Mom left us in the van with her phone while she went shopping...... 

  This is how we roll.............

We have lost 3 lambs so far. My sister made graves for their favorite one that they gave extra care to. 
That moment when you are minding your own business and all 5 of your littlest siblings start trying to crawl all over you and tickle you..... oh yeah, you probably have never had that happen to you. Never mind.

Anna has too many minions  
My brother.......
 Katherine lately really likes to climb up and walk all over the table. Such a stinker
That mischievous smile 
She was studying for something
Trying to get comfortable in a tub
These guys were trying to sniff me
Art Doodles! :)
 Hey, its true!
Drawing in progress
 I have also tried making rings out of spoons. This one was my first attempt. 
It looked good when it was done, but it was way too big. Not bad for the first time I guess 
 This was my second attempt
So far its been turning out great, but I am really having a hard time getting the last part of it bent. I am going to work on it some more. Stay tuned. If  I am successful, I will post it.
 Fun picture time with friends. We are doing an arm chair :)

When you tell Autumn and Emily to pose..... 

Ruby is so cute! 
Thought this was the cutest picture of Joe and Katherine! 

 Autumn and Katherine 

It was cool how evil the sky looked one night 
I have been having way too much fun playing around with pictures!

Thought this was a cool picture, but it freaked Mom out when I showed it to her 
 Cute little person! 

 Little buddy 
We took 5 rams to the sale barn in Norwood along with 2 roosters

Last photo of them before they were sold 
The auction was really crowded
  Instructions in knife throwing from Autumn after church. It is lots of fun!

 We are innocent! 

 Anna really is Olaf in human form!

Okay, now that I have completed this post I realized that we did more this month than I thought we did. I might have posted a little too many pictures, but believe me, there were lots of ones I wanted to post but thought that would be really overwhelming! Hope you enjoyed the ones that made it on the blog!


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