Lately I have been reading some studies on Biblical virtues and specifically, and more in depth on the character trait of contentment. IBLP has a really great book out there for all 49 character qualities. It is always so fascinating to read and as I was reading the section about contentment I wanted to share some of what it said.
(This is a brief summary)
Contentment vs. Covetousness
Contentment is realizing that God has already provided everything I need for my present and future happiness.
Personal Evaluation
How content are you?
1. In what specific ways do you enjoy the presence of the Lord?
2. How much time do you spend enjoying your family?
3. Are you making practical use of the possessions that have been entrusted to you?
4. Have you set your affections on getting things that you think will make your life happier?
5. Do you grieve or become bitter when your possessions are damaged or stolen?
6. When damage comes to your life, possessions, or family, do you have the response of Job? "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21).
7. Do you rejoice in the wealth of things that money cannot buy- such as health, freedom, a good name, a clear conscience, and eternal salvation- more than temporal possessions?
8. Do you believe that God has given you all you need?
"The alternative to contentment is boredom with worldly possessions"
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