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Definitely Not a Dull December

Hello again friends, family and random browsers. It's time for a monthly blog post of December! 

 We went to Silver Dollar City where we met the Wards..... a good way to start off the month!
 A couple photo shoots while we waited for little people to use the bathroom.
Little rebel. Classic. 
 I'm not one to take pictures in front of mirrors, but I made an exception here.
 Oh look! I found all my long lost twins! Or quadruplicates..... something like that. 
 Ashley was able to control herself a little more and find only 1 identical.
 Selfie in front of the Christmas tree with my real life twin ;)
 Oh yeah, Izzy was there too!
 And Norah found her resting place. R.I.P, but not yet please!
Sunset with the church and it's lights. Cool!
 This Christmas tree and the lights they put on were so incredible!
 We went to see the play, A Christmas Carol, here. I like this place more and more every time I go!
 Ashley and Anna in front of Powder Keg roller coaster.
 I can't get over all the lights. 5 million to be exact. (who counts them?)

Loved this.
 Occasionally I show up in a picture ;)
After seeing the play, we had our picture taken with a few of the actors.
Ashley, Anna, Amy, Tiny Tim's sister, Tiny Tim, Esther, and me.
That's the last on of SDC, I promise

 Cute little things
This was Ashley leading the sheep to their new destination, or at least that's what she wants you to think. In truth she got scared by them and was running away!
 Then the day came that Mom and I will never forget. December 17th. We were coming home from the farmers market when we hit some ice on the highway and went rolling of the road. I have no idea how we landed upright, but I am sure glad we did! Honestly, the moment the van went off the road, the first thing that went into my mind was that Mom and I were going to die. So I was really relieved when I opened my eyes again and was able to move without body parts hurting. It's just not cool to look down and your hands are bleeding from broken glass. I will assure you that the van was hurt the most, then the trailer, then some freezers in the trailer. Mom and I walked away a little sore, but overall okay. We still had to go to the hospital anyway just to get checked out, and it was a good moment when Mom and I were released. 
 Another angle. We almost made it up to the railroad track.
And the door took a final beating with the tongue of the trailer ramming right into it.
For about a week after this happened I woke up everyday to find something else hurting. But thankfully after one week was up I was starting to feel much better. Mom recovered quicker than I did, which is such a blessing especially since she is pregnant. I am glad I got more hurt than she did.
Well, even though we didn't have that great of a situation, at least we weren't driving this semi! Junk yards are interesting places.
Last December we hit the deer and shattered the windshield. This December we totaled the van completely. This is just getting worse every year! Maybe in the future when December comes along again we should just stay home the entire month  ;)

 RIP Mean Green. And no, we aren't getting a pretty pink one next.
  We got this after the accident from our church. Thank you all!
 Definitely need to replace a few things before we can do any markets again. We are still van searching too. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will be up and running again! 
 On a good note, this cow had her first calf and has proved to be a great mother!
 Christmas was simple this year and spent at home. The little ones did a play they had been working on for a few months. It was cute!
 Some Christmas goodies!
 Pinterest has gotten Anna into photography and lately she has been doing some interesting perspective shoots.
 These little kids of mine, I'm going let them hide. Put them under a bushel YES!
 Um, okay
 And here we have Isabelle missing her head and holding Peyton's. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder. 
 Our oven stopped working on us, so when we had someone come and fix it he got an audience. 
 2 of my projects for the month 

And that was our December. Coming to a close, we all are grateful that Mom and I got to see another Christmas and New Year.  Another year has come and gone. God knows what this year has to offer! Thankfully it's in His hands!


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