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Showing posts from August, 2017

July 2017

Sorry this one came out so late! I had this all ready to go a lot earlier, but the time got away from me to actually publish it! You understand. :)  Katherine thoroughly enjoying herself at the Cook's 4th of July party.   Anna holding Ambrose for the last time, as the Iskers moved away a few days later. Beautiful way to celebrate this country's freedom!  Cow day at Chick-fil-A meant everyone wanted to dress up! Izzy was the most eager to get into it!  Let's go get a free meal!  This was our first time to participate in cow appreciation day. It was fun!  We all look like dairy cows!  Our neighbor let us come and berry pick at his place. She's a very efficient berry picker! ;)   3 gallons of blackberries! Meanwhile, others got bored....  Summer and little girls are a good mix.  I love him! He's such a drool bug! Yeah, we get along great! Did I ever tell you that...