Welcome back!!
We hope you had a good February and March!!
March is usually a busy month for us, because we get our first broiler chicks of the season, we have three Birthdays, and other events!!
Stay tuned........
March literally started out with Norah’s Birthday!!
And yeah, no matter how many times we try, our family cannot seem to get a decent picture of everyone!
.....proven! ;)
Norah’s Hawaiian cake!! She dreams of living there one day!
Happy Birthday, backwoods Barbie!!! ;)
This kid!!!
Anna and Wesley Saunders’ wedding!!
Definitely the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to!!
You don't see a live choir at every wedding!!
Bad video quality, + the phone doesn’t do them justice! But you get the idea!
Congratulations, Wesley and Anna!
Our first batch of boilers!
If only they stayed this cute forever!
Joe making sure they're all snug for the night! ;)
Off to skateland in Springfield!!!!
Isaiah is ready to roll! ;)
We take lots of selfies when we're waiting in the van to leave for Church! ;)
Sorry, pal, it’s time to go to the butcher.
Here we are at the Lang's! Isaiah loved all the puppies!!
So many little creatures!! Cool!!
Peyton wanted to keep all of 'em!!
So cute!!
Thanks, Lang's, for having us! :)
....Vs. Reality.
Hard to believe these are the same little geese that followed us everywhere!
Proof that Isaiah's been out here......
Beautiful Blossoms at Grandpa Joe's Chocolate Factory!
Norah picks daffodils along the side of the road this time of year. We love these bouquets!
Farmer's Market days are getting a lot more fun since it's warming up!
More vendors and shoppers come every week!
We're also working on training Flossy to be an obedient future milk cow!! So far so good!
Everyone has to walk her, so this was her 5th time up and down the lane....
This is how she tells us she's done with this fitness plan.
We also took this out......
.....and replaced the whole stove!
For Isaiah's Birthday, we went all out!
Mom made him a train cake that he requested! Mom never ceases to amaze us!
Isaiah loved it!
He's 4!!
Here we are at the park for a surprise Birthday party for Mary and I with the Lang's and Underwood's!
Playing with the helium balloons after the party!
Someone who can make people laugh without even trying is a true gift! And that’s just what Sarah is! :)
Everyone watching Mary with helium. Who knew high pitched voices could be so entertaining!!
This cute little family of goats showed up on our place!!
Thankfully, they were back home by sundown!
Thanks for stopping by! See ya (Lord willing) next month!
- The Coulter Family
“AS every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10
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