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July Reflections

Posted by: Maddy

The month of July was a really busy month. It was exciting too! We got pigs, sheep, meat chickens, and some really adorable puppys!!!! ( the puppy's names are Maggie and Lizzy. My mom named then after Margaret Thatcher and Elizabeth Elliot )  The highlight of the month for me was when Julianna came out for a week to stay with us. It was great to have a friend out for a week and we where all sad to see her go. She got to be a Coulter for a week and do all the farm chores with us. Moving the animals, watering and feeding them, cleaning up a junk pile on our land etc. She was a great help! And of course, there where some things we just did for fun. Like play in the pool, drawing and painting, exploring the woods, and baking. We also got to show her around some of Springfield and show her fun places we enjoy to go as well! The week went by too fast for me.

 It is now a new month , and who knows whats going to happen next! Last Saturday we celebrated Havi's 4th birthday, and then on Monday we got some more experience on processing chickens at another farm pretty close to us. Its amazing how much we have all learned out here! Today my mom and I have been trying to put the food from our garden to good use. We are making pickles, and salsa with the cucumbers and tomatoes we have.

                                                                Maggie and Lizzy
                                                          Jules and I holding the kitties
                                                 A group picture in front of the Bass Pro Shops
                                                  Everyone in the truck with kitties and puppys


  1. Hey there coulter family how's stuff going???????

  2. Looks great! Can't wait for more! Keep us posted!


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