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Showing posts from May, 2016

Chicken Moving Bloopers

In my attempt to take a time lapse of Ashley moving the chicken pens we really didn't notice all the sheep getting out in the background....... so here is the first video that ended so soon because we had to herd them back into their spot! Watch the sheep in the background. It's rather funny! Another one to come!

Epic Storms

One thing that I love about the storms in the area where we live is that storms look worse than they are. I really think that Earth would be so boring without these storms. They made nature more exciting! These pictures were from a storm we had on Monday.   The contrast between the cloud colors were pretty neat!  Its pretty cool that clouds can be that color blue Yay for storms!!!

The Joy of Spring

Here is a little summary of the beautiful weather and nature we have been surrounded by this last week! Hopefully I will have more to come soon :)