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October Birthdays and the Reformation Party

This past year since Katherine has been born has gone by WAY too fast! It really does seem to me that she was just born yesterday! On the 22nd, she turned 1. She just recently learned how to crawl, and now she is starting to walk on her own! Babies don't stay babies nearly long enough!
 Katherine standing and walking on her own
She sure has changed a lot in one year!
This last week, my grandma on my dad's side of the family has been in town, so on Sunday night we celebrated her birthday ( which was earlier in October ), Katherine's birthday, and then Dad's birthday was on Sunday (the 25th). October is a big birthday month for the Coulter side of the family.
 Dad with his cake
Grandma with her cake

Anna photobombing!

Joe "helping" Grandma blow her candles out
Last week our church had their annual Reformation day party. They did a potluck dinner, then our Pastor did a short talk on Martin Luther, and then they did dancing. It was a lot of fun!
Ashley and Izzy took all the pictures of the evening.

Little Joe
Havi and Kezia

Izzy and Havi

The little hobbit dancers

 Natalie and Noelle holding Katherine


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