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Lambing, Baby Pictures, Crazy Missouri Weather, Etc....

Man, this month flew by quick! A lot has been going on, and you could probably tell from my title, I didn't know what to call this month. It was everything. Not very descriptive, I know, but you will know what I mean when you are done reading this. :)

April 1st was the day that our sheep started lambing! Thankfully it was no joke (you know, with April fools)! They are so cute! This was the first set of lambs born, then about 2-4 were born every day for a about 2 weeks after that! With about 40 new lambs, we now have about 70 sheep! They multiply quickly. 
 Here is a cooler looking picture of another one.
 Our one and only bottle lamb. He is now officially Ashley's baby. 
He is pretty sweet.
A few days later we said goodbye to Grandma and she went back to Denver. One last picture before she left!
 Currently, Anna's hobbies include playing the piano and holding Isaiah. And she likes it even more when she does them both at the same time!
 Everyone has been getting their holding time in!
 He gets passed around a lot!
 That moment when you notice your only brother for the first time.
 Moments with the little guy are so priceless! He is already growing so fast!
 You have probably noticed that he never gets put down. It must be pretty exhausting! 
 I must say that this picture turned out pretty neat! Photo credit to me!
 Anna just thinks she looks so cool.
 National sibling day came around this month! Sunglasses were the trend for us this year, and yes, Isaiah wore a pair as well! 
 And while we are at it, we might as well get a vintage photo as well! 
Oh, and there he is getting held again!
 Joe has been enjoying catching frogs! But he has to be smart about it and wear gloves. Wouldn't want to get your hands dirty ;)
 I think Katherine is still wondering what to think about the new baby.
 I know this is baby picture over load, but they are only little for so long, so there is no such thing as too many baby pictures! 
 The 2 complainers. 
 With Easter coming up, I figured I would try a cross painting. I was actually pretty happy with how the end product came out!
 Easter Sunday at church! That means lots of food!
Norah with her buddies, the Spillman girls.
 All smiles from the toothless girl!
When we got home, we got to watch a set of twin lambs be born. Pretty cool!
Kaitlyn got to meet Isaiah for the first time!
Yes, another picture! You just can't get enough of this!
We got a family picture at church. First family picture that includes Isaiah.
 Reading about the settlement of Plymouth and hoping Isaiah got it all too! ;)

 Just can't get enough!
Here at the end of April, we got a lot of rain. This was what the sky looked like right before it all happened. Pretty cool huh? 
 The rain started Friday and and by Sunday the weather had Ashley and Anna like....^^^^ this.

 Its fun to get wet!
 With all the rain, we had to go check out the creek!
 Looking cool. Especially Joe holding up his knife.
 Deep thoughts. Actually she was just waiting for Havi to go to the bathroom.
 Swing through the jungle!
Group picture with everyone who went out.

Thankfully we didn't have much damage from the flooding. Our garden flooded a little bit, so hopefully not too much ends up getting destroyed. Definitely looking forward to some sunny weather this weekend!


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