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 Welcome back everyone!! 

February has already started out crazy and that's why I haven't posted until now. Anyway, January was pretty great! Go ahead and keep scrolling, I have nothing else to say up here.

A beautiful capture of the ice storm we got hit with.
 I mean, if you're going to have an ice storm, it might as well be beautiful! 
After Anna painted this sign 6 or so months ago, we finally hung it up in our laundry room!
"Laundry, our never ending story:" Beyond true.
We got the chance to meet up with some friends and go roller skating!!
Isaiah had a bit of a hard time staying up,
 but Henry helped him out most of the time! Thanks again, Henry!
Anna doesn't understand that taking selfies while skating could be dangerous!!
When the piano tuner comes.........

Ahh, so beautiful!
Isaiah also got this shiner from taking a tumble! Note: It also WAS his fault.
But now he's going with a new look, so it's all good!
Maddy drew this picture of Norah with the pigs a little while ago! I think it's so cute! :)

And that's a wrap!
Stay safe out there and look forward to seeing you next time!
~The Coulter Family


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