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Miscellaneous March

Well since it's the last day of the month I thought I would go ahead and share the photos taken since my last blog post. It's now storm season here in south west Missouri which I am excited about! I am hoping to get more lightning pictures and if I do, I look forward to sharing them! A tornado picture would be pretty cool, but I know most people wouldn't want one near here...... It would be cool to see one in real life. That's just me though. Anyway, here what's been going on for the past 2 weeks. Here I go again with picture overload! A thing not uncommon here.

I'll start off with some photo shoots that my sisters did.

 Yep, that's marker on her skin. Don't ask....... I don't know either.

 Those feet!!!!!

 Fire pictures are the best are they not?
 Sister selfie :)
 No caption necessary! 
Cuddles with the ram. I didn't think he would be that friendly......

 "I am going to hit you and I will enjoy it!"

 "She took my stick away......"

 Yep, she is the most photographed person in the Coulter home. We will appreciate these photo's more in the next few years I'm sure :) 

 I love my littlest sister
 Since we switched farmers' markets, Mom updated the price list and made it more awesome looking. Chalk markers are awesome, people!
 Our new set up with new banners! It looks sharp.
 Here is a glimpse of the new market we are at. It will probably be more busy in April. 
Inside the pavilion at Farmers' Park in Springfield. It's a must see market.
These trees with pink blooms on on them in the spring are so pretty. A sign of spring for sure!

Newest addition to the farm. Berkshire piglets!
Cleaning up the fence line as we moved the sheep across it. It looks so much better! I only have pictures of full trucks to share though.
These 2 pictures were 2 different loads. Yes, we burned a lot this week.

This brings us to Easter Sunday! Take note, our 2 year anniversary of moving here to Missouri was on Easter Sunday. A day of significance to us when we reflect how much has changed since then and how much we have all learned. I think it's pretty amazing everything that has happened. Most of which I have been able to post about on this blog, but some I haven't. Believe me, we have gone through a number of experiences and a handful of them I really would prefer we don't repeat. It's those memories that have helped each of us become more wise in our decision making. We can look back at them and think "Wow, that was really dumb of me" but if we walked away learning something from it, then it wasn't a waste. Each experience, good or bad, has really taught us A LOT! Experience really is the best teacher!

Anyways, back to the pictures...... Easter was spent with our wonderful church family!

Izzy, Autumn, and Hannah

Lilah, Mariam, and Hadassah 
Ruby and Hannah
Tessa and Ruby
Izzy, Autumn, and Ashley's photo shoots

The desserts were amazing!

And that about sums the month up. Other than Izzy's birthday party. I think I will save that for another time.


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